Jigs and Fixtures
igs and Fixtures:
Jigs and fixtures have become yet another element that we have had to develop over the years as part of the project package. We have some unique methods of manufacture that are designed to aid in the assembly of parts without any damage, this can be both painted or textured components. We manufacture Jigs that incorporate proximity sensors and even part identification cameras.
As part of our validation process we manufacture holding fixtures - many parts are made from materials that are flexible so a CNC machined holding fixture manufactured to CAD is required to accurately affix the part in its correct position for measurements to be taken.
We can make jigs and fixtures mixing the latest technologies such as 3D printing - jigs that are machined with detail added using 3D printed detail elements to save both time and cost.
Typical Application:
Customer need confidence in manufacturing process so fixtures CNC machined to hold parts whilst being measured.
Design - 3D Printing - RIM Moulding - Vacuum Casting - CNC Machining - Prototype Tooling - Injection Mould Tooling - Injection Moulding - Low Volume Production - Assembly.